English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "verval" is die geleidelike agteruitgang of verlies van krag, struktuur of lewenskragtigheid met verloop van tyd. Dit kan verwys na fisiese voorwerpe, soos 'n verrottende stuk vrugte of 'n gebou wat sonder toesig gelaat is en verval het. Dit kan ook die proses van organiese materiaal wat afbreek of ontbind beskryf, soos wanneer blare op die woudvloer verval en in grond verander. In 'n breër sin kan "verval" verwys na die agteruitgang of degenerasie van 'n idee, stelsel of samelewing.

Sentence Examples

  1. These crumbling hulks were just the result of poor construction, neglect, and urban decay.
  2. The beast stopped in front of me, bending even lower until I could smell the decay and iron on its breath.
  3. I looked around again at the architecture, which must have once been beautiful and should still have had some charm, but all I could see was decay.
  4. Her complexion, no longer grayed with the decay of malnourishment and abuse, radiated beneath the sun.
  5. They live generally to seventy or seventy-five years, very seldom to fourscore some weeks before their death, they feel a gradual decay, but without pain.
  6. But we had also heard lots of stories about the crime and the decay in the city.
  7. Everywhere around him were signs of poverty and decay.
  8. In time, it would decay and scatter, the same as his soul.
  9. It was hard to believe that amongst so prosaic surroundings of neglect and dust and decay there was any ground for such fear as already we knew.
  10. The hole became larger and the cycle of decay would start again.