English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "verklaring" is 'n amptelike of eksplisiete verklaring, aankondiging of proklamasie gemaak deur 'n persoon, groep of organisasie. Dit is 'n formele uitdrukking van 'n feit, mening, bedoeling of oortuiging, wat dikwels in 'n openbare of wetlike omgewing gemaak word. Verklarings kan baie vorme aanneem, soos 'n verklaring van onafhanklikheid, 'n liefdesverklaring, 'n oorlogsverklaring, 'n verklaring van bates of 'n verklaring van regte. Die doel van 'n verklaring is om iets bekend te maak of vas te stel, en om duidelikheid of oplossing aan 'n situasie te verskaf.

Sentence Examples

  1. He may not utter customary lines about love and yearning, but his declaration of not letting death part us is stronger than any poetic confession.
  2. Jack heard his declaration, but his face registered nothing.
  3. I heard no declaration I was on holy ground, saw neither flames nor burning bush, so I left my shoes on.
  4. This declaration having been made, and the duke having settled in his own mind what he would do in the matter, the ladies in black withdrew, and the duchess gave orders that for the future they were not to be treated as servants of hers, but as lady adventurers who came to her house to demand justice so they gave them a room to themselves and waited on them as they would on strangers, to the consternation of the other women-servants, who did not know where the folly and imprudence of Doña Rodriguez and her unlucky daughter would stop.
  5. Finding himself alone he so took to heart the thought of his misfortune that by the signs of death he felt within him he knew well his life was drawing to a close, and therefore he resolved to leave behind him a declaration of the cause of his strange end.
  6. When a troubadour professed his readiness to obey his lady in all things, he made it incumbent upon the next comer, if he wished to avoid the imputation of tameness and commonplace, to declare himself the slave of her will, which the next was compelled to cap by some still stronger declaration and so expressions of devotion went on rising one above the other like biddings at an auction, and a conventional language of gallantry and theory of love came into being that in time permeated the literature of Southern Europe, and bore fruit, in one direction in the transcendental worship of Beatrice and Laura, and in another in the grotesque idolatry which found exponents in writers like Feliciano de Silva.
  7. London had declared for Mary with Cecil himself making the declaration.
  8. Kallan blinked, unsure what to do with his declaration.
  9. Let this general declaration serve for each of my suitors on his own account, and let it be understood from this time forth that if anyone dies for me it is not of jealousy or misery he dies, for she who loves no one can give no cause for jealousy to any, and candour is not to be confounded with scorn.
  10. It happened, however, that one man, when they came to take his declaration, swore and said that by the oath he took he was going to die upon that gallows that stood there, and nothing else.