English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Databasis is 'n georganiseerde versameling data, tipies gestoor en elektronies verkry vanaf 'n rekenaarstelsel. Dit is 'n gestruktureerde versameling data wat in 'n rekenaar of ander elektroniese stelsel gestoor word, wat ontwerp is om doeltreffend en veilig toeganklik, bestuur en bygewerk te word. 'n Databasis kan verskeie tipes data insluit, soos teks, nommers, beelde of multimedialêers, en dit kan vir 'n verskeidenheid doeleindes gebruik word, soos die berging van klante-inligting, die bestuur van voorraad of die dop van finansiële transaksies. 'n Databasis bevat tipies een of meer tabelle, wat in velde en rekords georganiseer is, en dit kan deursoek, gesorteer en gefiltreer word om spesifieke inligting te herwin.

Sentence Examples

  1. She typed in a few commands and was able to pull up the entire database of residents within OmniLab.
  2. Wings in the oven, the rest of the food set out on the counter, Emlen pulled out her laptop and phone, and prepared to add to the cloud database they were compiling.
  3. Chloe had been busy scouring the news database, that much was certain.
  4. The Air Force Personnel database would only show my service record and my retirement.
  5. He found the old news article and then skipped to the database to look up the police report.
  6. A stolen GPS would keep her on track, and a faked Security Service ID card should get her through anything but a high-level database check.