English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "beskadig" is om die kwaliteit, funksionering of toestand van iets of iemand te benadeel. Dit kan verwys na fisiese skade of besering, sowel as na die verswakking of negatiewe impak op die toestand of waarde van iets.

Sentence Examples

  1. My damaged knee bent over the ankle of my right leg, cinching in a triangle choke.
  2. A fire damaged the first floor in the late 1960s during a Vietnam War protest that had gone off the deep end.
  3. GDP also counts crime as a benefit as it includes costs for legal and medical fees and repairs to damaged property.
  4. He had to replace all the expensive clothing that was stuck inside, much to his displeasure, but the armoire itself was more expensive than the garments combined, and he refused to have it damaged to recover them.
  5. Her attempts had damaged the seal and little curls of red showed where the knife had scored the moulded wax.
  6. At least one grand old oak tree has fallen and many trees have been damaged.
  7. I fell to the floor, instinct making me reach for the damaged joint.
  8. My damaged leg moved like it had been filled with lead.
  9. Most of the planks ran from the top to bottom of the short door, but one in the corner was cut a foot or so from the sill and the timber was bruised where it had been levered out, and on more than one occasion judging by the damaged grain.
  10. I struck again, cutting deep into its arm under the damaged armour.