English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "kerrie" het veelvuldige betekenisse en kan as 'n selfstandige naamwoord of 'n werkwoord gebruik word. Hier is die woordeboekbetekenisse van die woord:Selfstandige naamwoord:'n Dis van vleis, groente of vrugte, gekook in 'n Indiese-styl sous van sterk speserye en borrie en tipies bedien met rys.'n Soortgelyke gereg van Suidoos-Asiatiese oorsprong.Werkwoord:Om voor te berei of te geur met 'n mengsel van speserye en ander bestanddele, wat tipies in Indiese of Suidoos-Asiatiese kookkuns gebruik word.Om guns te soek of jouself te bevorder deur vleiery of aandag.Neem kennis dat daar ander spreektaal betekenisse van die woord "kerrie" ook, soos verwysing na 'n perd wat versorg is, maar dit word nie so algemeen gebruik nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. His entourage today included nobles from all across the Aren, as well as courtiers who wished to curry favor with the young King.
  2. When Karoel arrived from Northcastle, Randi knew he finally had an ally in this endeavor he could count on, who would not try to curry favor with the King.
  3. Perhaps he could again curry favor by assisting their master with the crown.
  4. I approached the table, then I grabbed a chip, dunked it in curry sauce and popped it in my mouth.
  5. The scent of curry and amber lingered on his skin.
  6. A gentle breeze carried the spiced scent of curry.
  7. He tasted of peppermint, and the scent of wild curry and masculine spice enveloped me.
  8. He was still muttering away about things like Covenanters when the bartender deposited a meat pie in front of Robert, and a basket of curry and chips in front of me.
  9. Once he verified the data was real, he could shoot us both and head off for a curry and a pint.
  10. Stews bubbled in cooking pots sitting atop coal beds, steam rising and mingling with the desert air, and I caught the scent of curry.