English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "klok" is 'n meganiese of elektroniese toestel wat die tyd meet en vertoon, tipies met wysers of syfers. Dit kan ook verwys na die instrumentpaneel van 'n voertuig of masjien wat verskeie metings of lesings vertoon, soos spoed of afstand afgelê. Daarbenewens kan "klok" gebruik word as 'n werkwoord wat beteken om iets te tyd of op te neem met 'n horlosie of stophorlosie.

Sentence Examples

  1. A brass clock delicately chimed four times, followed by a cuckoo clock adding its four calls a beat later.
  2. I wish I could turn back the clock and tell my feet to walk in another direction, towards the village, towards safety and civilisation.
  3. Groaning, I rolled out of bed and gave my clock a shake.
  4. In a mad dash, I stumbled for the closet and glanced at the clock.
  5. Phileas Fogg was seated squarely in his armchair, his feet close together like those of a grenadier on parade, his hands resting on his knees, his body straight, his head erect he was steadily watching a complicated clock which indicated the hours, the minutes, the seconds, the days, the months, and the years.
  6. Her attention was fixed on the clock tower in the center of the enclave, and he had a feeling she was rehearsing in her head the things she intended to say to the Elders.
  7. A grandfather clock on the wall puffed blue steam and Evan whistled when he saw the Airship hovering in place just below the ceiling.
  8. Electric bells and speaking-tubes afforded communication with the lower stories while on the mantel stood an electric clock, precisely like that in Mr.
  9. Even the suit Padrake wore was clockwork, with cogs for cufflinks and two clocks on his shoes, the laces serving as clock hands.