English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "genees" is om ('n persoon of dier) van 'n siekte of toestand te verlig of te genees; om (iets) tot 'n goeie of gesonde toestand te herstel; of om (voedsel of materiaal) te bewaar deur verskeie metodes, soos rook, sout of droog, om bederf of bederf te voorkom. Die woord "c


  1. aged

Sentence Examples

  1. Around her neck she wore a gigantic purple amethyst she claimed cured chronic back pain and boils.
  2. For in those plains and deserts where they engaged in combat and came out wounded, it was not always that there was someone to cure them, unless indeed they had for a friend some sage magician to succour them at once by fetching through the air upon a cloud some damsel or dwarf with a vial of water of such virtue that by tasting one drop of it they were cured of their hurts and wounds in an instant and left as sound as if they had not received any damage whatever.
  3. His father would not own himself uneasy, and laughed at her fears but she could not be cured of wishing that he would part with his black mare.
  4. He was not at all easy about the wounds which Don Belianis gave and took, because it seemed to him that, great as were the surgeons who had cured him, he must have had his face and body covered all over with seams and scars.
  5. Weston Shoes once advertised consistent leather coloration and so dried and cured their own leather.
  6. But let us leave Sancho in his wrath, and peace be with them all and let us return to Don Quixote, whom we left with his face bandaged and doctored after the cat wounds, of which he was not cured for eight days and on one of these there befell him what Cide Hamete promises to relate with that exactitude and truth with which he is wont to set forth everything connected with this great history, however minute it may be.
  7. Perhaps the peaceful image would have cured Cianne of her nightmares.
  8. During the remainder of the journey the licentiate held forth to them on the excellences of the sword, with such conclusive arguments, and such figures and mathematical proofs, that all were convinced of the value of the science, and Corchuelo cured of his dogmatism.
  9. They did so, and he lay sleeping more than three hours, at the end of which he awoke and felt very great bodily relief and so much ease from his bruises that he thought himself quite cured, and verily believed he had hit upon the balsam of Fierabras and that with this remedy he might thenceforward, without any fear, face any kind of destruction, battle, or combat, however perilous it might be.
  10. The procession once more formed itself in order and proceeded on its road the goatherd took his leave of the party the officers of the Brotherhood declined to go any farther, and the curate paid them what was due to them the canon begged the curate to let him know how Don Quixote did, whether he was cured of his madness or still suffered from it, and then begged leave to continue his journey in short, they all separated and went their ways, leaving to themselves the curate and the barber, Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, and the good Rocinante, who regarded everything with as great resignation as his master.