English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "slinks" is om vaardigheid te hê of te toon in die bereiking van 'n mens se doelwitte deur bedrog of ontduiking; slimheid, veral om mense te mislei om iets te kry. Dit kan ook verwys na slinks, skelm of bedrewe om situasies tot eie voordeel te manipuleer. Daarbenewens kan dit gebruik word om iets te beskryf wat vernuftig of goed ontwerp is.

Sentence Examples

  1. Cunning cords the holy Church has, Cords of softest silk they be Put thy neck beneath the yoke, dear Mine will follow, thou wilt see.
  2. It must be all exactly the other way, as your ladyship says because it is impossible to suppose that out of my poor wit such a cunning trick could be concocted in a moment, nor do I think my master is so mad that by my weak and feeble persuasion he could be made to believe a thing so out of all reason.
  3. He seemed to lack the ruthlessness and cunning necessary for survival during these harsh times.
  4. The entanglement remained for some time a secret, kept hidden by my cunning precautions, until I perceived that a certain expansion of waist in Antonomasia must before long disclose it, the dread of which made us all there take counsel together, and it was agreed that before the mischief came to light, Don Clavijo should demand Antonomasia as his wife before the Vicar, in virtue of an agreement to marry him made by the princess, and drafted by my wit in such binding terms that the might of Samson could not have broken it.
  5. Unfortunately, they are really cunning in preventing us from going after them.
  6. Though cunning devices did not avail him against Bernardo del Carpio, who knew all about them, and strangled him in his arms at Roncesvalles.
  7. Nevertheless, that he failed in the solution of this mystery, is by no means that matter for wonder which he supposes it for, in truth, our friend the Prefect is somewhat too cunning to be profound.
  8. The Parisian police, so much extolled for acumen, are cunning, but no more.
  9. Some obtain these testimonials with good intentions, others put them to a cunning use for when they go to pillage on Christian territory, if they chance to be cast away, or taken prisoners, they produce their certificates and say that from these papers may be seen the object they came for, which was to remain on Christian ground, and that it was to this end they joined the Turks in their foray.
  10. It was like the intolerable, tingling sweetness of water-glasses when played on by a cunning hand.