English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan die woord "hof" verskeie betekenisse hê, afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:'n Plek waar regsverhore en ander geregtelike verrigtinge plaasvind.'n Tribunaal wat gesag het in 'n spesifieke veld, soos 'n sporthof of 'n hof van arbitrasie.'n Koninklike of adellike woning, tipies een wat 'n groot gebou of kompleks van geboue insluit. p>'n Binnehof, veral een wat deur geboue omring word.'n Formele byeenkoms van mense vir sosiale, politieke of ander doeleindes .'n Groep mense wat gereeld 'n speletjie of sport saam speel, soos 'n tennisbaan of basketbalbaan.'n Regeringstak wat verantwoordelik is vir die administrasie van geregtigheid, soos die Hooggeregshof of die Internasionale Hof van Justisie.As 'n werkwoord kan "hof" beteken om te probeer wen die guns of aandag van iemand, of om in romantiese strewe na iemand betrokke te raak.

Sentence Examples

  1. When they entered the Great Hall, Tarkyn saw that it had been set up as a court.
  2. Many who saw it would remember Seymour, and even though that man had fallen from grace, his network had been so far reaching and so thoroughly entwined throughout the court that there was little he did not know about.
  3. Life in court since my father died has been tense, and even dangerous, most of the time.
  4. When he was at Court, he lodged in an elegant town house belonging to his sister near The Strand, and it was here that Richard had come to seek him out.
  5. With a start, Tarkyn recognised Stormaway Treemaster, resplendent in his green court dress, stronger and more confident in the vision than the wizard he had met recently.
  6. He had never enjoyed the guiles of court, so why recreate them here?
  7. That same month, the Court moved to Richmond, and Elizabeth to Woodstock in Oxfordshire.
  8. Until I got to the basketball page and there she was, our blond goddess in a school uniform, if you could call racing around a basketball court in a skirt a uniform.
  9. Nature summons us to her court of non-judgmental beauty, where thoughts find meaning and the quiet speaks until we listen.
  10. He wants to retrieve documents he believes are rightfully his, but in truth, those documents belong in a court of law.

TV Series Examples



l believe the ladies of the court



Sansa came to court this morning