English to afrikaans meaning of

Cordite is 'n soort rooklose plofstof wat voorheen as 'n dryfmiddel vir gewere en artillerie gebruik is. Dit is eers in die laat 19de eeu ontwikkel en bestaan uit nitrosellulose, nitrogliserien en petroleumjellie. Die naam "cordite" kom van die feit dat die plofstof oorspronklik in die vorm van dun, koordagtige stringe vervaardig is.

Sentence Examples

  1. It recalled dinner with Captain Parr, her uniform redolent with rifle range cordite, her hands misted with unspent gunpowder.
  2. Smoke and cordite stench clung to the small space.
  3. Her perfume, this time, the gunpowder smell of cordite, carried to him on the breeze.
  4. A miasma of blood and death and cordite rode the air, and faces and fists plastered themselves against the bulletproof windshield.