English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die Oxford English Dictionary kan die selfstandige naamwoord "koper" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse hê:'n Rooibruin metaal wat 'n goeie geleier van elektrisiteit en hitte is, en dikwels gebruik vir elektriese bedrading, loodgieterswerk en verskeie ander toepassings.'n Munt gemaak van koper of 'n koperlegering.'n Polisiebeampte (veral in Britse Engels). 'n Vat of houer gemaak van koper.As 'n werkwoord kan "koper" ook beteken "om met koper te bedek of te bedek."

Sentence Examples

  1. Then he looked out at the drizzly darkness, the copper and yellow leaves clinging to the trees.
  2. The room had a stagnant odour of chemicals and rusty copper.
  3. Harry smelt the familiar copper odour groans of the dead cloaked the silence.
  4. Satin ribbons dripped red, screams of terror replaced the violins, and the smell of copper and gunpowder polluted the air.
  5. The stink of copper wafted from my shoulder, where the blood had soaked through.
  6. Charlie had one eye on him, dirty copper, killing and stealing.
  7. This behavior continued for over a week of travel as we trekked over flowing fields of knee-high grass and wove a path through a verdant forest that had begun to tinge with copper.
  8. Her shining copper sheathing, her galvanised iron-work, her deck, white as ivory, betrayed the pride taken by John Bunsby in making her presentable.
  9. An electric charge filled the room, bringing with it the faint smell of copper.
  10. He was a man of fifty, a sort of sea-wolf, with big eyes, a complexion of oxidised copper, red hair and thick neck, and a growling voice.