English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "cope" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word, maar hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:(werkwoord) om doeltreffend te hanteer met iets moeilik of uitdagend Voorbeeld: Sy moes die verlies van haar werk en finansiële probleme hanteer.(werkwoord) om 'n situasie of taak suksesvol te hanteer of te bestuur Voorbeeld: Die span moes die onverwagte veranderinge in die projek hanteer.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n lang, los kledingstuk wat deur 'n geestelike lid tydens sekere godsdienstige seremonies gedra word Voorbeeld: Die priester het tydens die Paasdiens 'n swart cope gedra.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n coping-steen of ander afwerkingsmateriaal wat gebruik word om die bokant van 'n muur of struktuur te bedek en te beskerm. Voorbeeld: Die messelaars het 'n nuwe kop op die kasteelmuur geïnstalleer om waterskade te voorkom.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n houer vir lewende aas of visse, tipies gemaak van gaasdraad Voorbeeld: Die visserman het 'n klein kop vol wurms gebring om as aas te gebruik.

Sentence Examples

  1. My thoughts dart off, my normally orderly mind unable to cope.
  2. The brain does its best to cope, but seldom delivers because each time we switch tasks the brain has to start over, so everything takes longer.
  3. To cope with new expectations we would need some tools, upgrades, and a delivery system to connect everything together.
  4. To cope with the augmented communication channels, we no longer have time to pause and reflect, as new skills present themselves to be devoured.
  5. Our brains also needed an upgrade to cope and without warning we had to become multitaskers.
  6. It was possible, if not likely, the Professor urged, that the Count might appear in Piccadilly during the day, and that if so we might be able to cope with him then and there.
  7. He found himself blathering as he tried to cope with his mounting fear.
  8. Still, though he regarded society as composed altogether of villains, the sharpness of his intellect was not of that kind which enabled him to cope with villany, while it continually caused him by overshots to fail of the success of honesty.
  9. In her mother she lost the only person able to cope with her.
  10. Maybe ways to cope with the reality of the situation.