English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van konsekwentheid is: die kwaliteit om konsekwent te wees of die mate waarin iets konsekwent is, veral in die sin van betroubaar, bestendig of koherent. Dit verwys na die vermoë om 'n bepaalde standaard of vlak van prestasie of gedrag oor tyd te handhaaf, sonder noemenswaardige afwyking of variasie. Met ander woorde, konsekwentheid is die vermoë om 'n eenvormigheid of bestendigheid in 'n mens se optrede, houdings of oortuigings te handhaaf. Dit kan ook verwys na die dikte, tekstuur of viskositeit van 'n stof, veral met betrekking tot sy vermoë om sy vorm of vorm te behou.


  1. consistence

Sentence Examples

  1. He cares about your pitching consistency and attitude on the field.
  2. She smiled at her father as he bent over the bowl, pouring in just enough buttermilk to make the biscuits the right consistency.
  3. Focus on clarity and organization of the material, consistency of voice.
  4. A periodic crack interrupts the consistency of the smooth expanse.
  5. In short, Uncas and his father became converts to his way of thinking, abandoning their own previously expressed opinions with a liberality and candor that, had they been the representatives of some great and civilized people, would have infallibly worked their political ruin, by destroying forever their reputation for consistency.
  6. I jumped back just before the ground cratered and became a sand-like consistency.
  7. The middle should have some jiggle to it but have a solid consistency, not watery.
  8. Spring winds twisted patterns in the grass, passing through brown shoots with the consistency of a wave, turning in time to an unseen tune.
  9. Being seated seemed like a good idea, especially since her legs were close to jelly in consistency after reading that letter.
  10. The words I hear have that same silky consistency.