English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "gemeente" is 'n groep mense wat saam vergader is, gewoonlik vir godsdienstige aanbidding of 'n soortgelyke doel. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n versameling of versameling van dinge, soos 'n groep diere of 'n versameling verwante voorwerpe. In godsdienstige kontekste kan 'n gemeente ook verwys na 'n bepaalde godsdiensgemeenskap of die lede van 'n bepaalde kerk of godsdiensgroep.


  1. congregating

Sentence Examples

  1. Every Sunday from here until the Lord called him away, he would spend his sermon looking across the congregation and up at that woman.
  2. After the evensong concluded and the small congregation dispersed, Jake remained seated, bowed his head as if in prayer, and kept his eye on the churchwarden from under lowered brow.
  3. Stepping behind his pulpit, which he noted was hollow in back and contained a shelf where he could place a glass of water, he looked out over the area that would be filled with his congregation.
  4. In the foreground, on a small beach of black sand, is a congregation of what appear to be tall stakes, arranged in some sort of formation.
  5. Now was a bad time to disturb him, as the congregation was settling to pleasant organ music.
  6. As with the preliminaries, these performances by the choral group were usually joined by the rest of the congregation.
  7. As is, admittedly, our duty, since we are a Bretan congregation.
  8. Keeping his glee internal, he put on his sternest face and looked over his congregation.
  9. Other guards noticed the commotion and came running, but a few muttered words from Horace or Bates and a quick glance at Hawke were all they needed to join the effort of moving the congregation aside.
  10. Essentially all of us in the congregation got up and danced our way to the front of the room to drop our donation in the box.