English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "konkaaf" is: met 'n buitelyn of oppervlak wat na binne buig soos die binnekant van 'n sirkel of sfeer. Dit verwys na 'n oppervlak of vorm wat na binne gebuig is, soos die binnekant van 'n bak. 'n Konkawe vorm is die teenoorgestelde van 'n konvekse vorm, wat na buite bult. In wiskundige terme het 'n konkawe funksie 'n grafiek wat afwaarts buig, terwyl 'n konvekse funksie 'n grafiek het wat opwaarts buig.

Sentence Examples

  1. In the middle of the concave side there is a groove twelve inches deep, in which the extremities of the axle are lodged, and turned round as there is occasion.
  2. In the first few degrees of this its progress, its surface is very sensibly flattened, farther on depressed into a plane, and finally, becoming not a little concave, it terminates, at the Pole itself, in a circular centre, sharply defined, whose apparent diameter subtended at the balloon an angle of about sixty-five seconds, and whose dusky hue, varying in intensity, was, at all times, darker than any other spot upon the visible hemisphere, and occasionally deepened into the most absolute and impenetrable blackness.
  3. The ribs on his right side were concave and breathing was difficult.
  4. It landed with a crack on the already spattered blonde hair and the convex surface of her scalp became concave.