English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die Oxford English Dictionary is 'n Kommunis 'n persoon wat kommunisme ondersteun of voorstaan, wat 'n politieke en ekonomiese stelsel is waarin die produksiemiddele en verspreiding van goedere en dienste deur die gemeenskap as 'n geheel besit en beheer word. , tipies deur die staat.Kommunisme het ten doel om 'n klaslose samelewing te skep waarin almal gelyke toegang tot hulpbronne en geleenthede het, en waar daar geen uitbuiting of onderdrukking van een groep deur 'n ander is nie. Die term "kommunis" word ook gebruik om te verwys na 'n lid van 'n politieke party of beweging wat kommunisme as hul ideologiese grondslag voorstaan.


  1. commie

Sentence Examples

  1. But why are you gentlemen so afraid of the collapse of communist power in the first place?
  2. Now this victory of the people facing down the communist guns is probably going to encourage even more citizens to take to the streets.
  3. After decades of communist rule, they are disciplined.
  4. Sergei had been a good communist and rejected all concepts of God.
  5. His expansion drew the attention of the ruling Communist Party, who frowned upon such wealth, so he made large contributions to the Party itself as well as funding community projects across the region, while he built a modest empire.
  6. Nothing in the communist way of life of the GDR has prepared them for the hard-headed struggle for survival in the West.
  7. The beer itself was another testament to communist imagination in that it was titled Saigon Beer, but it was as nice as any Budweiser or Heineken and so refreshing after an hour or so traipsing about with my rucksack I thought I might start dribbling.
  8. But life was stifling and excruciatingly boring under the communist regime.
  9. Leipzig industry is the most cutting-edge of the whole communist bloc.
  10. A mystery involving a stolen masterpiece, communist Resistance members, and a foolhardy attempt on the life of Hermann Göring, leader of the Luftwaffe.