English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord beteken "sweef" om te rus of op of naby die oppervlak van 'n vloeistof te beweeg sonder om te sink. As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord beteken "sweef" om op water of ander vloeistof geboe te word. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat nie stewig in plek vas is nie en dus maklik kan beweeg of beweeg word. Boonop kan "swewend" verwys na 'n geldeenheid of wisselkoers wat toegelaat word om te wissel in reaksie op markkragte eerder as om deur die regering vasgestel te word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Delighted with the playful energy seeking her out, Kayla focused on the loose strands floating around her and channeled it toward him.
  2. The lotus flowers floating on the calm waters of the pond are in bloom.
  3. He goes to the edge of the mareta, not much bigger than a swimming pool, and pictures a body floating in the murky water.
  4. I sat on a skiff, floating across a calm lake, my powerful arms rowing two oars that dipped deep into the silvery water.
  5. Some people claim that angels are floating overhead interrupting conversation, others call it a pregnant pause.
  6. Fogg, Aouda, and Passepartout set foot upon the American continent, if this name can be given to the floating quay upon which they disembarked.
  7. Whispers had come to him in his cell, stray thoughts floating through the caves.
  8. Men were going about carrying large posters, and flags and streamers were floating in the wind while loud cries were heard on every hand.
  9. He has in mind a pretty young tourist out hiking one day, found floating face down in the aljibe at La Corona.
  10. Fragments of memory flashed back, images of the demon taking him into the yawning maw of a floating volcano.