English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het die woord "skoenmaker" verskeie betekenisse:'n Persoon wat skoene herstel of maak.'n Geregte wat bestaan uit vrugte- of vleisvulsel gebak met 'n kors van deeg of beskuitjies bo-op.'n Kort skroef met 'n groot kop, wat gebruik word om skoensole aan die boonste gedeelte van 'n skoenmaker of 'n lap te heg. >As 'n werkwoord beteken "skoenmaker" om iets op 'n lomp of ongeskoolde manier reg te maak of te herstel.

Sentence Examples

  1. She answered with great humility that she was called La Tolosa, and that she was the daughter of a cobbler of Toledo who lived in the stalls of Sanchobienaya, and that wherever she might be she would serve and esteem him as her lord.
  2. AFTER A CHICKEN NOODLE casserole for dinner, I pull a blackberry cobbler from the oven.
  3. This being as it is, it is clear that this ape speaks by the spirit of the devil and I am astonished they have not denounced him to the Holy Office, and put him to the question, and forced it out of him by whose virtue it is that he divines because it is certain this ape is not an astrologer neither his master nor he sets up, or knows how to set up, those figures they call judiciary, which are now so common in Spain that there is not a jade, or page, or old cobbler, that will not undertake to set up a figure as readily as pick up a knave of cards from the ground, bringing to nought the marvellous truth of the science by their lies and ignorance.