English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kuslyn" is die grens of lyn wat die land van die see of see skei. Dit verwys na die buitelyn of vorm van die land waar dit die water ontmoet. Die kuslyn kan strande, kranse, baaie, inhamme en ander kenmerke insluit wat gevorm word deur die werking van golwe, getye en strome. Die lengte en vorm van 'n kuslyn kan wissel na gelang van faktore soos die geologie van die gebied, die hoogte van die land en die teenwoordigheid van natuurlike of mensgemaakte strukture.

Sentence Examples

  1. The village is small and run down and has little to commend it save for the view of the mountains and the rugged coastline to the south.
  2. It was barreling right into the former coastline that was now part of the sea.
  3. With the coastline fast approaching, the mast of his ship protruded from the evening mist like a soldier at attention.
  4. Ash was still talking and pointing along the coastline, trying to convince me that the views were better on the other side of the trestle.
  5. They made sure to stay over land, far away from the coastline as they headed back.
  6. The rabbits and all they represented were there, probing at the coastline, searching for an escape.
  7. An elevated train track snaked along the coastline.
  8. They could see the entire coastline for miles, the moon reflected on the thrashing waves.
  9. They had driven through Saint Helena, and were now driving parallel with the dark coastline.
  10. They had stayed away from the coastline, but soon they would be headed out over the open waters.