English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "duidelik" is soos volg:bywoord: Duidelik (kli-rlee)Op 'n duidelike, duidelike of ooglopende wyse ; sonder twyfel of verwarring; op 'n manier wat maklik is om waar te neem, te verstaan of te interpreteer.Voorbeeldsin: Sy het duidelik en artikuleer gepraat en haar punt sonder enige onduidelikheid gemaak.Sinonieme: duidelik, duidelik, duidelik, duidelik, deursigtig, onmiskenbaar, ondubbelsinnig, ondubbelsinnigAntonieme: vaag, duister, dubbelsinnig, troebel, onduidelik, ondeursigtig, onseker, huiwerig, twyfelagtig

Sentence Examples

  1. She wore a defensive shell I recognised all too clearly.
  2. Carl hesitated, clearly taken by surprise, but recovered in time to duck its flailing fist and zap it with the stunner.
  3. This is the third occurrence of his favoritism in the last two months, which clearly explains why the petition to remove Ayrwick from office sooner than the end of this semester is gaining momentum.
  4. I clearly heard her stifling an obnoxious laugh again.
  5. Jordan was confident in his talent and voice and clearly not afraid to stand up for himself.
  6. Castle was clearly more qualified to be running the department, but Abby had been put in the role before Dr.
  7. Clearly, he knew about our little altercation last night.
  8. His expression clearly showed he wanted to escape the room full of people he barely knew.
  9. Ada, though, had clearly been brought up in an environment that had taught her they were something to be feared.
  10. I need to protect the evidence and paper trails in the case, so we can clearly put our criminal behind bars.