English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "sianied" is 'n verbinding wat bestaan uit 'n koolstofatoom wat drievoudig gebind is aan 'n stikstofatoom, voorgestel deur die chemiese formule CN. Dit is 'n hoogs giftige, kleurlose gas of vloeistof wat selfs in klein hoeveelhede dodelik kan wees. Sianied word dikwels gebruik in industriƫle prosesse soos mynbou en metaalbewerking, sowel as in chemiese oorlogvoering. Inname of inaseming van sianied kan vinnige verlies van bewussyn, aanvalle, respiratoriese versaking en uiteindelik die dood veroorsaak.

Sentence Examples

  1. Show how Emily worked with Ray to obtain the cyanide.
  2. Before the digital age, potassium cyanide was used in film processing.
  3. I asked if he was aware of the symptoms of cyanide poisoning.
  4. And there were no fingerprints on the cyanide container.
  5. To begin with, how many deaths by cyanide poisoning had been reported in the country this weekend?
  6. Everything moved so fast after Duchaine discovered the cyanide.
  7. Another site listed the effects on the body from cyanide ingestion.
  8. My father had worked for a plastics company where cyanide had been used in the manufacturing process.
  9. You forced him to leave his job at the plastics company but not before he took a supply of cyanide with him.
  10. I injected myself with a mixture of silver and cyanide.