English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "burgerlik" is "op 'n wyse wat beleefd, hoflik en respekvol teenoor ander is; op 'n manier wat ooreenstem met die norme van die beskaafde samelewing." Dit is 'n bywoord afgelei van die byvoeglike naamwoord "burgerlik", wat verwys na gedrag wat bedagsaam en hoflik teenoor ander is.

Sentence Examples

  1. If you would like to continue, then I suggest you behave civilly.
  2. Indignant at this I followed him, and speaking to him fairly and civilly asked him to give me if it were only eight reals, for he knows I am an honest man and that I have neither profession nor property, for my parents never brought me up to any or left me any but the rogue, who is a greater thief than Cacus and a greater sharper than Andradilla, would not give me more than four reals so your worship may see how little shame and conscience he has.
  3. All this has been since then confirmed on those occasions, and they have been many, on which he has crossed our path, at one time to beg the shepherds to give him some of the food they carry, at another to take it from them by force for when there is a fit of madness upon him, even though the shepherds offer it freely, he will not accept it but snatches it from them by dint of blows but when he is in his senses he begs it for the love of God, courteously and civilly, and receives it with many thanks and not a few tears.
  4. He bowed civilly to Colbert, who did not take his eyes off him.