English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys "pique" na 'n gevoel van irritasie of wrok wat veroorsaak word deur 'n vermeende geringe of vernedering. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n soort materiaal met 'n verhoogde patroon.As 'n werkwoord beteken "pique" om iemand se belangstelling, nuuskierigheid of wrok te prikkel of op te wek.

Sentence Examples

  1. During his present short stay, Emma had barely seen him but just enough to feel that the first meeting was over, and to give her the impression of his not being improved by the mixture of pique and pretension, now spread over his air.
  2. Had Hawkeye been aware of the low estimation in which the skillful Uncas held his representations, he would probably have prolonged the entertainment a little in pique.
  3. In the Library, she searched the shelves for something to pique her interests.
  4. Or something Florence requested or he hoped might pique her interest, maybe keep her home some evenings.
  5. Doctor David Richardson glanced through a sketchy report on his soon-to-be patient, PC Daniel Collins, provided to him by Chief Inspector Harveer Singh, and it took only a few words to pique his professional interest.
  6. This seemed to pique general curiosity, and quite a number of people began to run.