English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "chomping" is om te byt of te kou met 'n raserige, knarsende klank. Dit kan ook beteken om iets gretig of aggressief te byt, soos in "Hy was chomping aan die bietjie om te begin met die projek." Die woord word dikwels gebruik om die manier te beskryf waarop diere, veral perde, 'n bietjie kou, of die manier waarop iemand met entoesiasme aan 'n stukkie kougom of kos kan kou.

Sentence Examples

  1. He slipped in a stick of gum and looked up chomping.
  2. The once fearless warrior chomping at the bit to conquer the world for her glory was now filled with a singular, twisted need.
  3. I stepped to the side, hoping to lose his attention, but he followed me, his teeth now chomping up and down rapidly.
  4. Sabienn passed the binoculars in despair across to his friend who was chomping at the bit to use them.
  5. The rest of the demons fell to the ground, except the stupid one that was chomping on my leg.