English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bedrog" is: die daad om iemand te mislei of te mislei om 'n onregverdige voordeel te verkry of om iets wat gedoen moet word te vermy. Dit kan leuens insluit, reëls of ooreenkomste verbreek, of oneerlike taktieke gebruik om 'n gewenste uitkoms te bereik. Bedrog kan in verskeie kontekste voorkom, soos in verhoudings, akademici, sport, besigheid, en meer. Dit word algemeen beskou as onetiese en immorele gedrag.


  1. cheat

Sentence Examples

  1. Not only had Jeff been cheating his company, but the rumors of another woman had turned out to be true.
  2. Was Dean Terry trying to make it look like Striker was cheating or changing his grades, so he would get put on probation?
  3. While it was true that he wanted out of the marriage as much as she did, the idea of her cheating on him before the divorce process even started made him queasy.
  4. Hence it follows of necessity, that vast numbers of our people are compelled to seek their livelihood by begging, robbing, stealing, cheating, flattering, suborning, forswearing, forging, gaming, lying, fawning, hectoring, voting, scribbling, star-gazing, poisoning, canting, libeling, free-thinking, and the like occupations every one of which terms I was at much pains to make him understand.
  5. Clara Harris got into her Mercedes and ran over her cheating husband, killing him.
  6. His instincts were stronger than ever, and it felt a bit like cheating.
  7. I told them she called me to help calm her down about some louse cheating on her.
  8. He had something he might have wanted to lose, a cheating wife.
  9. Morris knew in the dream that her husband was cheating on her.
  10. So he told him he was quite right in pursuing the object he had in view, and that such a motive was natural and becoming in cavaliers as distinguished as he seemed and his gallant bearing showed him to be and that he himself in his younger days had followed the same honourable calling, roaming in quest of adventures in various parts of the world, among others the Curing-grounds of Malaga, the Isles of Riaran, the Precinct of Seville, the Little Market of Segovia, the Olivera of Valencia, the Rondilla of Granada, the Strand of San Lucar, the Colt of Cordova, the Taverns of Toledo, and divers other quarters, where he had proved the nimbleness of his feet and the lightness of his fingers, doing many wrongs, cheating many widows, ruining maids and swindling minors, and, in short, bringing himself under the notice of almost every tribunal and court of justice in Spain until at last he had retired to this castle of his, where he was living upon his property and upon that of others and where he received all knights-errant of whatever rank or condition they might be, all for the great love he bore them and that they might share their substance with him in return for his benevolence.