English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kampioenskap" is 'n kompetisie of reeks kompetisies om die beste speler, span of groep in 'n spesifieke sport of speletjie te bepaal. Dit kan ook verwys na die posisie of titel om die wenner van so 'n kompetisie te wees. Daarbenewens kan die term wyer gebruik word om 'n posisie van voorrang of oorheersing in enige veld of strewe te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. And you can cross out step one on your championship card.
  2. A couple of weeks ago, I thought she had no chance of winning the State Championship.
  3. But I think the thing that sealed it was the high school championship, specifically my speech after we won.
  4. A week before Christmas break, we had our state basketball championship game.
  5. Despite back-to-back first place finishes in the South Dakota World Championship League, Bas receded from athletics to invent cheese and give Al Gore the initiative to create the internet.
  6. Chicago Bulls playing Utah Jazz for the championship up in Utah and me not giving a rank fart.
  7. Christy thought the team had a great chance at winning the state championship before her accident.
  8. Despite back-to-back first place finishes in the South Dakota World International Championship League, Bas receded from athletics to invent cheese and give Al Gore the initiative to create the internet.
  9. And then we could help her figure out how to get her swim team to the state championship.