English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "cavernous" is:byvoeglike naamwoord: (kav-er-nuhs)Lyk na 'n grot; groot, hol en diep. Voorbeeldsin: Die ontdekkingsreisigers het 'n donker, grotagtige grot binnegegaan wat gevul is met stalaktiete en stalagmiete.Beskryf 'n spasie of area wat groot, leeg en eggo is. Voorbeeldsin: Die verlate pakhuis was grotagtig, met sy hoë plafonne en leë sale.Hand op 'n toestand of voorkoms wat gesink of hol is, wat dikwels gebruik word om gelaatstrekke te beskryf. Voorbeeldsin: Haar holagtige oë was 'n teken van uitputting en stres.Gebruik om iets te beskryf wat groot of omvangryk is in omvang of omvang. Voorbeeldsin: Die politikus het 'n grot belofte gemaak om al die land se probleme op te los.

Sentence Examples

  1. The hard surfaces of the building gave the gunfire a cavernous echo.
  2. Kristina had slipped back to the organ, and added a rolling accompaniment line with one hand, and then both, and at last, at the end of the second verse, she added foot pedals, so an intricate blending of vocal and instrumental music reverberated through the cavernous interior of the church.
  3. The single window over the cavernous porcelain sink gets stuck when I try to open it.
  4. Then, before he knew it, the stairs opened up suddenly into a large cavernous room that was dimly illuminated.
  5. Regan glanced around as they entered the cavernous Hall.
  6. She let me in, then led me in, to a cavernous foyer that made the offices of Blake Investigations look like a clothes closet.
  7. This cavernous maw looked large enough to drive a van through.
  8. Molten blue lava rolled down ruined rock, trickling into rivers of magma that writhed all over the cavernous nest.
  9. They entered a cavernous chamber bedecked by luxurious carpets and embellished with paintings, tapestries and decorations of all kinds.
  10. So, I passed through the cavernous lobby sneaking glances over my shoulder at the fragile barrier.