English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "pleidooi" is 'n versoek wat op 'n dringende en emosionele wyse gemaak word of 'n argument wat gebruik word om 'n bepaalde aksie of oortuiging te verdedig of te regverdig. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n formele verklaring wat deur 'n verweerder in 'n geregshof gemaak is, waarin hulle verklaar of hulle skuldig of onskuldig is aan die aanklag teen hulle.

Sentence Examples

  1. She gave a silent plea and he reached up, grabbing a bar hung with clothes.
  2. Instead, he gave a different plea, one he knew might go unheard over the chaos, and yet he could not perish without saying it.
  3. Newspapers take too long, so stay local and get your plea viral.
  4. He gazed from the sea and shifted his brown-eyed plea to Kallan, who could only grin wider.
  5. It occurs to me I might have accepted his barely veiled plea.
  6. It was possible that this would be her final plea to Mary for her life, asserting that she had played no part in the plot against the Queen and remained a faithful servant.
  7. The plea was as loud as if he had screamed it in my ear.
  8. My lips parted and air escaped in the sound of a desperate plea.
  9. The countenance of this lady, made beautiful and saintly with an evidently complete giving up of her life to privation and sorrowful tenderness, her gentle and mournful voice urging its plea, her long-forgotten but habitually and unconsciously refined manners, and her appealing and yet appreciative mention of the claims and abilities of her son, disclosed at once the presence of one of those angels upon earth that women in adversity can be.
  10. If only she knew whether he had heard her plea for help before the phone was snatched from her hands and she received a blow to her head.