English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord verwys "Katalaans" na 'n persoon uit Katalonië, 'n streek in noordoostelike Spanje, of die Katalaanse taal, wat in Katalonië en ander gebiede van Spanje, sowel as in dele van Frankryk en Italië gepraat word.As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord verwys "Katalaans" na enigiets wat met Katalonië of sy taal verband hou.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Catalan watched him until Caderousse, almost overcome by this fresh assault on his senses, rested, or rather dropped, his glass upon the table.
  2. She wore the picturesque costume of the Catalan fisherwomen, a red and black bodice, and golden pins in her hair.
  3. Yet this Catalan has eyes that glisten like those of the vengeful Spaniards, Sicilians, and Calabrians, and the other has fists big enough to crush an ox at one blow.
  4. And now day dawned and if the dead freebooters had scared them, their hearts were no less troubled by upwards of forty living ones, who all of a sudden surrounded them, and in the Catalan tongue bade them stand and wait until their captain came up.
  5. By a movement for which he could scarcely account to himself, the young Catalan placed his hand on the knife at his belt.
  6. The following day Dantès presented Jacopo with an entirely new vessel, accompanying the gift by a donation of one hundred piastres, that he might provide himself with a suitable crew and other requisites for his outfit, upon condition that he would go at once to Marseilles for the purpose of inquiring after an old man named Louis Dantès, residing in the Allées de Meilhan, and also a young woman called Mercédès, an inhabitant of the Catalan village.
  7. But I thought you were a Catalan, and they told me the Catalans were not men to allow themselves to be supplanted by a rival.
  8. Standing on the prow was a tall man, of a dark complexion, who saw with dilating eyes that they were approaching a dark mass of land in the shape of a cone, which rose from the midst of the waves like the hat of a Catalan.
  9. Bathed in tears she wandered about the Catalan village.