English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die woordeboek is die woord "karnaval" 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat veelvuldige betekenisse het, insluitend:'n Feestyd of gebeurtenis, wat tipies gevier word met openbare feesvieringe, kostuums en parades, veral voor die Christelike seisoen van Lydenstyd. Voorbeelde sluit in Mardi Gras in New Orleans en Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.'n Reisende vermaaklikheidsvertoning of vermaaklikheidsgeleentheid wat gewoonlik ritte, speletjies en byvertonings insluit, wat dikwels tydelik in 'n publieke plek opgestel is, soos 'n kermis of park.'n Tydperk van ongeremde of uitspattige gedrag,gevoelens van vrolikheid, >, wat dikwels geassosieer word met uitbundige/vreugdelike gedrag. 'n Sirkus- of sirkusagtige skouspel, tipies gekenmerk deur kleurvolle kostuums, akrobatika en ander optredes.'n Frenetiese of onstuimige mengsel of versameling van verskillende dinge, dikwels met 'n gevoel van chaos of wanorde.Let wel: Die betekenis van "karnaval" waarin dit gebruik word, kan verskil afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. The emotive portrait of the city was that of a crowd gathering for a carnival.
  2. There were several more of the putrid pink creatures wandering along the walls like ducks in a carnival shooting game, along with a nest of children.
  3. He looks ludicrously garish in a red shirt and matching pants, as though he belongs in a carnival.
  4. The carnival was opening its doors in about fifteen minutes.
  5. At last, having seen the Parsee carnival wind away in the distance, he was turning his steps towards the station, when he happened to espy the splendid pagoda on Malabar Hill, and was seized with an irresistible desire to see its interior.
  6. The carnival that had been held here seemed like years ago, already.
  7. There are great, frowning precipices and much falling water, and Nature seem to have held sometime her carnival.
  8. The carnival continued its happy swirl around them.
  9. I went back in the office and found Lisa staring at me like a two-headed boy in a carnival sideshow.
  10. Standing in front of many were apprentices who worked the crowds, much as a carnival ringmaster or a consummate politician might work a crowd in trying to attract them to their cause.