English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "kaart" veelvuldige betekenisse, waarvan sommige die volgende insluit:'n Reghoekige stuk stywe papier of dun karton wat vir verskeie doeleindes gebruik word, soos om speletjies te speel, identifikasie of groete.'n Toestel om inligting op te neem of te berg, soos 'n ponskaart of 'n rekenaarkaart met 'n klein metaalkaartjie, of >'n klein metaal- of besigheidskaartjie.'n li>'n Persoon wat as 'n spesifieke soort persoonlikheid beskou word, veral een met 'n spesifieke reputasie of vaardigheid.As 'n werkwoord beteken "kaart" tipies om vesels van wol of katoen uit te kam of uit te borsel, of om geloofsbriewe of identifikasie te ondersoek of na te gaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. He pulls out a card from his shirt pocket and his authoritative Po-Po voice returns as he hands it my way.
  2. I felt certain that had been a onetime card I could play.
  3. The front door was key card operated, not to mention guarded, but at the back, there was always a changeover between patrols.
  4. My headache has disappeared, I realize, and glance down at the Eureka Springs Police Department business card and smile.
  5. I gratefully take his card and find myself smiling silly.
  6. Grey Sports Complex only has security cameras and card readers in a handful of places.
  7. Maybe my family and friends are right, I think, wondering where I put that card Mary Jo gave me, the one for the counselor specializing in post traumatic stress disorder.
  8. Of course, there are Tarot card decks and how to read them, plus other divination articles such as runes and numerology.
  9. Every time I have a Tarot reading, this card appears.
  10. But I take this as encouraging, hoping that he giving me his card means we will hook up sometimes in the future.