English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kanon" is 'n groot, swaar stuk artillerie of artilleriegeweer, tipies op wiele gemonteer en in oorlogvoering gebruik om swaar projektiele oor 'n lang afstand af te vuur. Dit kan ook verwys na 'n buis of silinder wat gebruik word om 'n projektiel af te laai, soos 'n kanon op 'n skip, of 'n toestel wat gebruik word om voorwerpe te projekteer, soos 'n aartappelkanon. Daarbenewens kan "kanon" gebruik word om 'n harde, plofbare geraas of 'n skielike en kragtige impak te beskryf, soos in "die motor het met 'n harde kanon in die muur vasgery."

Sentence Examples

  1. Out to the city park, where the old cannon stood in a flower bed of orange and yellow mums.
  2. The thud echoed like a cannon, and all heads shot up.
  3. A single row of brass cannon protruded from her open ports, and dashed from their polished surfaces the fires of innumerable battle-lanterns, which swung to and fro about her rigging.
  4. A small brass cannon stood on the forward deck of the Tankadere, for making signals in the fogs.
  5. It was massive, more akin to a cannon than a handgun.
  6. And the booming of the little cannon resounded in the air.
  7. In each of the five smaller holes, I deposited a canister containing fifty pounds, and in the larger one a keg holding one hundred and fifty pounds, of cannon powder.
  8. The soldiers on board the galleys kept up a ceaseless fire, which they on the walls and forts of the city returned, and the heavy cannon rent the air with the tremendous noise they made, to which the gangway guns of the galleys replied.
  9. The effect produced by the firing of a cannon is that of simple vibration.
  10. He answered, that which is unexpected, which comes suddenly and unforeseen and though he answered like a pagan, and one without the knowledge of the true God, yet, as far as sparing our feelings is concerned, he was right for suppose you are killed in the first engagement or skirmish, whether by a cannon ball or blown up by mine, what matters it?