English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kalmte" is die toestand van vreedsaam, rustig, of vry van opwinding, opgewondenheid of steurnis. Dit verwys na 'n toestand van geestelike en emosionele kalmte, gekenmerk deur 'n gebrek aan angs, stres of senuweeagtigheid. Kalmte word dikwels geassosieer met 'n gevoel van innerlike vrede en ontspanning, en dit word tipies as 'n wenslike toestand beskou om in beide persoonlike en professionele kontekste te bereik.

Sentence Examples

  1. Harker everything which had passed and although she grew snowy white at times when danger had seemed to threaten her husband, and red at others when his devotion to her was manifested, she listened bravely and with calmness.
  2. Fogg resumed the interrupted game with perfect calmness.
  3. To everyone here, she knew she portrayed calmness and composure.
  4. However, the calmness was about to be broken as Mr Jenkins, accompanied by another man, appeared from his office.
  5. See the calmness of the night, the solitude of the spot, inviting us to break our slumbers by a vigil of some sort.
  6. We have to slay pride in giants, envy by generosity and nobleness of heart, anger by calmness of demeanour and equanimity, gluttony and sloth by the spareness of our diet and the length of our vigils, lust and lewdness by the loyalty we preserve to those whom we have made the mistresses of our thoughts, indolence by traversing the world in all directions seeking opportunities of making ourselves, besides Christians, famous knights.
  7. The other guards stood thunderstruck and amazed at this unexpected event, but recovering presence of mind, those on horseback seized their swords, and those on foot their javelins, and attacked Don Quixote, who was waiting for them with great calmness and no doubt it would have gone badly with him if the galley slaves, seeing the chance before them of liberating themselves, had not effected it by contriving to break the chain on which they were strung.
  8. Not a detail that I can recall must be forgotten in all calmness I must proceed.
  9. Feeling scorched by his touch, I nonchalantly sip champagne from my goblet to feign calmness.
  10. It was not in his calmness that she read his comparative difference.