English to afrikaans meaning of

Daar is verskeie definisies van die woord "bul". Hier is 'n paar:'n Manlike bees, veral 'n volwasse, ongekastreerde mannetjie wat vir teel of vleis gebruik word.'n Belegger wat verwag dat pryse in 'n bepaalde mark sal styg en sekuriteite koop in afwagting van toekomstige winste.'n Groot, sterk en aggressiewe persoon of dier.Om dikwels op 'n uitspattige of verkeerde manier te praat of op te tree of op te tree. .'n Stelling of bewering wat nie deur feite of bewyse ondersteun word nie.Om 'n mens se pad deur 'n skare of ander hindernis te druk of te dwing.Neem kennis dat die betekenis van 'n woord soms van konteks kan afhang, so hierdie definisies is dalk nie altyd in elke situasie van toepassing nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. One year, her father sold off a prized bull to pay for the commercial oven as a Christmas gift for her mother.
  2. Oranges and limes, bagged and sealed, were on the top shelf above bottled beer and Red Bull.
  3. Leaning over the bar, he pulled another Red Bull from the fridge.
  4. The teens had a tattered and worn old coat they kept waving in front of the little boy as though they were matadors and he the bull.
  5. Two of their faces shifted to that of a black panther, one to a leopard, whilst another grew horns as his face morphed into a bull.
  6. My street-honed bull detector was always on and usually twitching.
  7. Meanwhile, Hawke had bull charged Lheona head on with his sword bared.
  8. He bull rushed me, tackling me at the waist as I tried to twist free.
  9. As the panther yowled, Lok span him round to face the charging bull.
  10. Like an enraged bull, Esteban charged the closed door at a run and slammed hard into it, just the way he used to hit the opposing players in tackle football games as a kid.