English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kneusing" is om 'n besering of kneusing aan die vel of vleis deur 'n hou te veroorsaak, sonder om die vel te breek. Dit kan ook verwys na skadelike of skadelike uitwerking op 'n persoon se emosies, reputasie of selfbeeld. Daarbenewens kan dit 'n fisiese voorwerp beskryf wat gemerk of verkleur is as gevolg van 'n impak of rowwe hantering.

Sentence Examples

  1. Lance flew into his seatbelt, the strap bruising his skin.
  2. Shaking with a fury, he grabbed Kallan, bruising her arm as he pulled her back.
  3. The bruising it had taken was subsiding before my eyes, and new teeth were already growing in where there had been only bleeding sockets before.
  4. Strings of pearls conceal yellow ghosts of manacle bruising to my wrists and neck.
  5. Yes, I slept with it again, even after the bruising it had given me.
  6. He responded with hands at her waist, pulling her against him and deepening the kiss with bruising power.
  7. He ran his free hand over his rapidly bruising face.
  8. His bruising faded to a healthy skin tone, and through the holes in the back of his robe, I watched as the punctures Scab Kahlot had left bubbled and sealed until not a trace was left.
  9. As he came nearer, Tarkyn saw his cut lip and the beginnings of bruising on his jaw.
  10. Despite the cuts and bruising, her tangled hair matted with filth from the caves, her blood and vomit, the red, black, and broken limbs that made up her body, Kallan raised her eyes to her mother.