English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "uitsaai" is om 'n boodskap, inligting of sein aan 'n wye gehoor oor te dra of te kommunikeer, tipies deur televisie, radio of die internet. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om sade wyd oor 'n gebied van die land te strooi. As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "uitsending" verwys na 'n radio- of televisieprogram wat aan 'n wye gehoor uitgesaai word, of na die handeling om 'n boodskap of sein aan so 'n gehoor oor te dra.

Sentence Examples

  1. Connor took off, and I taught three hours on Broadcast Writing.
  2. While he had once thought his hair a Samson-like asset to his skating, he soon realized, as his face popped up on every news broadcast and Internet site, that his striking hair had become almost as recognizable as the banner he hefted.
  3. Beach Town was being fed a bogus broadcast, a seriously uncontrolled version of events.
  4. Harry paced through the hall to the stairs and made for the broadcast studio.
  5. If this meeting was being broadcast throughout the towers, all the better.
  6. No telltale lines that broadcast an unbearable hurt.
  7. His face showed up on nearly every broadcast, if only as a backdrop.
  8. Other cops bustled past, a few stopping to glance at the broadcast before moving on.
  9. The presenter must have been sleeping in the broadcast studio.
  10. Soldiers surrounded the tanks, there was a commandeering chief giving orders, and a man with a radio on top of one tank, his broadcast short and repetitive, his shallow nod not reassuring the other soldiers.