English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "buig" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks. Hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Om die liggaam of kop te buig in respek, onderwerping of groet. Voorbeeld: Die akteur het na die opvoering voor die gehoor gebuig.Om 'n snaarinstrument met 'n boog te speel. Voorbeeld: Die violis het 'n pragtige melodie gebuig.Om na buite of afwaarts te buig of te buig. Voorbeeld: Die boomtakke het gebuig onder die gewig van die sneeu.'n Gebaar van respek of erkenning, wat tipies 'n effense neiging van die kop of liggaam behels. Voorbeeld: Die koning het 'n buiging aan sy onderdane gegee terwyl hy verbygegaan het.

Sentence Examples

  1. He brought his head to the earth, bowing pathetically.
  2. The debtor took his stick again, and bowing his head left the court.
  3. Bowing stiffly to Arthur, Lance haltingly followed.
  4. He seemed to appreciate my bowing out, letting him have all the glory.
  5. The dragon flew through the sky, landing on the outskirts of the forest and bowing its great head.
  6. Bowing his head, he focused on his fingers, blindly working the intricate knots.
  7. Like the others, she dropped a heavy bag on the floor before bowing to Tarkyn.
  8. This very odd procession marched past the curious residents, many of the knights waving and bowing as they passed.
  9. He shrugged a heavy bag off his shoulder before bowing briefly to the prince.
  10. From this we gathered or fancied that it must be some woman living in that house that had done us this kindness, and to show that we were grateful for it, we made salaams after the fashion of the Moors, bowing the head, bending the body, and crossing the arms on the breast.