English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bobby" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die mees algemene definisies:(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Britse polisiebeampte, veral een wat aan voetpatrollie toegewys is. (selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Klein, afgeronde varswatervis van die karpfamilie, ook bekend as 'n kakkerlak.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Bynaam vir 'n man met die naam Robert of Bobby. (byvoeglike naamwoord) Word gebruik om iets te beskryf wat klein, oulik of innemend is, soos in "'n bobby pen" of "'n bobby sokkie."

Sentence Examples

  1. Parker felt no pressure at all to say thank you, nor did Bobby seem to expect it.
  2. Bobby ambled toward Parker down the cereal aisle with a hunting knife in his hand.
  3. Everyone but Bobby and Roland, who did not leave his side and always had their weapons in sight.
  4. The ladderback chairs were remarkably comfortable, handmade by Bobby Mason, whose family had been crafting furniture since Daniel Boone lived nearby.
  5. Of course, some not-so-good ones, too, like mean old Bobby McKeever.
  6. She made two more trips with Bobby ostensibly covering her in case she was attacked, but she knew his real job was to mind her.
  7. Lane stood near the front door like he was guarding it, with Bobby and Roland armed at his side.
  8. Bobby unholstered his weapon and pistol-whipped Parker.
  9. Bobby and Roland both think we should shoot you right now either way, but I told them no.
  10. A visiting nurse at school taught me to beat up on my bed pillow, which I had to admit was a lot better than on Bobby McKeever.