English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "instap" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar hier is 'n paar moontlike definisies:Die daad om op of in 'n voertuig te klim, soos 'n vliegtuig, trein, of skip.Die handeling om maaltye en verblyf aan iemand te verskaf in ruil vir betaling, soos in 'n koshuis of 'n kosskool.Die handeling van tydelike huisvesting of neem versorging van iemand se troeteldier, veral in ruil vir betaling.Die handeling om 'n plank of planke aan iets, soos 'n muur, vloer of dak, te bedek of vas te maak vir die doel van konstruksie of versiering.

Sentence Examples

  1. So imagine my surprise when I heard the squeak of the rusty hinges and the muffled jingling of manacles as someone else stepped out of the unlocked boarding house.
  2. I fidgeted, watching the traffic instead, the ordinary streets, shops, chattering people boarding red buses, thronging the pavements.
  3. Was Lorraine finally boarding the next car to South Campus?
  4. Attended boarding school in leafy Surrey, excelling in all your subjects.
  5. How could the simple, affectionate landlady of a boarding establishment explain such a phenomenon?
  6. The boarding room always grew stifling with so many bodies crammed inside.
  7. It was tireless, thankless work, and the greatest rewards I got for my efforts were lukewarm soup, half a roll of bread of questionable freshness, and the shackles around my wrists tightened slightly less when I went to sleep every night in that dingy shack they called a boarding house.
  8. They needed boarding passes to escort the kids through security.
  9. I sneak one last look down the airport corridor, even check for footprints, shake my head and hand the gate attendant my boarding pass.
  10. Jeff handed their boarding passes to the passenger agent.