English to afrikaans meaning of

Volgens die Oxford English Dictionary kan die woord "beyond" as 'n voorsetsel, bywoord of byvoeglike naamwoord gebruik word, en dit beteken oor die algemeen "by of aan die verdere kant van (iets)."As 'n voorsetsel kan "beyond" fisiese ligging of afstand aandui, soos "die dorp lê anderkant die heuwels," of dit kan so iets aandui wat "onbereikbaar" of verstaanbaar is "wat hy nie kan verstaan" ing."As 'n bywoord beteken "anderkant" "ver weg of bykomend tot wat reeds genoem of gedoen is," soos "ons moet buite ons perke gaan" of "sy vaardighede gaan verder as die gewone."As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord beteken "verby" "geleë op 'n groter afstand of graad," soos "die anderkant die horison" of.

Sentence Examples

  1. I knew it already, of course, but it was horrible beyond belief to hear those words coming from the mouth of a stranger.
  2. He was unfazed as his lizard-steed scuttled across the courtyard onto the fields beyond.
  3. The door opened in a silent sliding motion, and I caught a glimpse of a gleaming tunnel beyond, which led to the transition point.
  4. Suddenly the door was wrenched open and they fell through and onto the Veneseron fields beyond.
  5. She was shocked to see a beach to the east, its shoreline just visible beyond the many fields surrounding the Fortress.
  6. Brooke led them from the Archives and out onto the purple field beyond.
  7. As he stepped into the corridor beyond, the monster pounced on him again.
  8. Why anyone would think I could hurt my sister is beyond me.
  9. Every hum of the wind in the dark whispered promises of worlds beyond imagining, every door held something new behind its cold metal exterior.
  10. One minute the fairies were cavorting carelessly, the next they had vanished from view, melting into the trees beyond.

TV Series Examples



Are there really giants beyond the wall?



He's beyond the healer's skills.



We can go out walking beyond the Wall,



from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai.



You've lived beyond the Wall.