English to afrikaans meaning of

'n blog is 'n webwerf wat aanlyn persoonlike refleksies, opmerkings en dikwels hiperskakels, video's en foto's bevat wat deur die skrywer verskaf word; ook: die inhoud van so 'n webwerf. Die woord "blog" is 'n verkorte weergawe van "weblog", wat in die laat 1990's geskep is om aanlyn joernale of dagboeke te beskryf. Sedertdien het blogs ontwikkel om 'n wye reeks onderwerpe en style in te sluit, van persoonlike vertellings tot professionele nuus en ontleding.

Sentence Examples

  1. Your computer crashed, and your blog post was erased.
  2. Her fingers finished typing the blog as if on autopilot, while her eyes fixed on that name.
  3. They now have a blog, podcasts and a local radio show, and I admire their tenacity.
  4. Be sure to stop by his website, and sign up for his blog to be kept up to date on his happenings, and follow him on Twitter for his often witty, if not more than often repetitive tweets.