English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "blob" word gedefinieer as 'n klein druppel of knop van 'n dik of viskose stof, 'n gewoonlik onbepaalde ronde massa of vorm, of 'n sagte of vormlose massa. Die term "blob" kan ook verwys na 'n rekenaarlĂȘer wat ongestruktureerde data bevat, of 'n grafiese element wat 'n eenvoudige vorm of beeld verteenwoordig, wat dikwels in rekenaargrafika en visuele effekte gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. Attached to the end of each was a grey, flaccid blob that was slowly lowered into each area.
  2. It looked like one big blob at first, but soon they could see clearly defined legs.
  3. A pulsating black blob, exposed to the world through flecked holes in his skin, including one large one below his heart.
  4. Catherine watched the blob of red begin to solidify before taking her ring and pressing it lightly into the wax, turning it so as to remove any impression of the crest.
  5. Even though he could only see a small blob, he knew it had to be the black airship coming to challenge them for control of the Austrian sky.
  6. A human-sized blob with a couple of organic-looking holes rendered through it.
  7. The tracking chip slid out, sticking in a crimson blob on his thumb.
  8. It miraculously remained intact except for the blob of red oozing down the side.
  9. A shiny newly-Academized probationary officer would have answered in half that and even a lazy blob like Wenders would have snatched it up by the thirtieth ring.
  10. Suddenly the stinger squirted out a blob of blue lava, but silver-hair rolled away and beneath her enormous body, slashing at her abdomen with rapid precision.