English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Smid is 'n persoon wat met yster en staal werk, dit verhit en dit in verskeie gereedskap, voorwerpe of dekoratiewe items verhit, dikwels met 'n smee en hamer. Die woord "swart" in "smid" verwys na die kleur van die metaal nadat dit verhit en bewerk is, wat dikwels 'n donker of swart voorkoms het. Smede het tradisioneel items soos hoefysters, spykers, gereedskap en wapens gemaak, en vandag kan hulle ook pasgemaakte metaalwerk vir artistieke of funksionele doeleindes skep.

Sentence Examples

  1. She glanced at the blacksmith shop to see if anyone was watching generally at this time of day, the blacksmith was too busy to notice her.
  2. When a sum of money was offered by Ayscough to explore the now still pond, it was the blacksmith who stripped to his breeches and waded in.
  3. Our first few encounters with the grinel after Scab were close calls, but between my now indestructible body and the raw blacksmith strength of Uraj, we were able to actually destroy the grinel we came across.
  4. The blacksmith hammer which I took in the carriage from Veresti was useful though the doors were all open I broke them off the rusty hinges, lest some ill-intent or ill-chance should close them, so that being entered I might not get out.
  5. The blacksmith was a massive man of impressive proportions.
  6. I quickly found a job as a blacksmith in Dobbinsturn with a man named Cornelius Porter.
  7. His arms and chest rippled with the strength every blacksmith or master armorer acquired after applying his skills over a stretch of years.
  8. Finally, we ended up along the Thames near the port of London, and father gained an apprenticeship in the shop of a blacksmith, where he earned and saved enough coin to set himself up in a little shop of his own.
  9. I continued to work hard, putting all I had into being the best blacksmith I was capable of.

TV Series Examples



saw him cut the blacksmith in two,



I had the blacksmith