English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verjaarsdag" is die herdenking van die dag waarop 'n persoon gebore is. Dit is die datum waarop iemand die feit dat hulle gebore is, vier, dikwels gekenmerk deur geskenke, kaartjies of spesiale groete van vriende en familie te ontvang.

Sentence Examples

  1. But at her eighteenth birthday celebration he had overindulged in the strong wine he had gone to Leonovia to procure for her gala, and he had confessed his love for her.
  2. Tongues had wagged since before Lach had all but declared his intentions by making a point of returning to Cearova expressly to attend her eighteenth birthday celebration.
  3. When it was finished, I sighed in relief and stripped to my birthday suit outside on the lawn.
  4. I considered it, but Celestino questioned the veracity of the warnings, and my parents said they would never cancel a birthday party over a bit of inclement weather.
  5. My eyes feel puffy and I remember crying as I lay beside Gloria, small tears of frustration over her disappointing birthday party, which transmuted into a gush of anguish over the vicissitudes of my married life.
  6. Their notes make it sound more like a business dinner than a birthday party.
  7. The birthday girl may get a spanking, the bachelorette may be blindfolded, there may even be a gentle flogging demonstration, but nudity and sex are not allowed.
  8. I thought of my remote-control monster truck my father had given me on my ninth birthday and I instantly loved it.
  9. My birthday was tomorrow, and I was going to be sick for it.
  10. She came to a birthday party I was hosting at my digs.

TV Series Examples



lt's a birthday message