English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bied" is die handeling om 'n sekere prys vir iets te betaal, veral op 'n veiling. Dit kan ook verwys na die handeling om bevele of bevele te gee, of na die handeling om iemand te versoek of uit te nooi om iets te doen. Daarbenewens kan dit verwys na 'n formele uitnodiging om aan 'n projek of kompetisie deel te neem, soos 'n bodproses vir 'n konstruksieprojek of 'n kontrak.


  1. bid

Sentence Examples

  1. There was a bidding war of sorts between Primes when you participated in the first Census.
  2. I walk through the village of abandoned homes and holiday houses bidding a silent farewell to my lonely sanctuary.
  3. Hawke held me back with a hand, bidding we should continue no further into the room.
  4. In a word, I quitted the house and reached that of the man with whom I had left my mule I made him saddle it for me, mounted without bidding him farewell, and rode out of the city, like another Lot, not daring to turn my head to look back upon it and when I found myself alone in the open country, screened by the darkness of the night, and tempted by the stillness to give vent to my grief without apprehension or fear of being heard or seen, then I broke silence and lifted up my voice in maledictions upon Luscinda and Don Fernando, as if I could thus avenge the wrong they had done me.
  5. The cousin arrived at last, leading an ass in foal, with a pack-saddle covered with a parti-coloured carpet or sackcloth Sancho saddled Rocinante, got Dapple ready, and stocked his alforjas, along with which went those of the cousin, likewise well filled and so, commending themselves to God and bidding farewell to all, they set out, taking the road for the famous cave of Montesinos.
  6. Don Quixote believed it all, and told him he stood there ready to obey him, and to make an end of it with as much despatch as possible for, if he were again attacked, and felt himself to be dubbed knight, he would not, he thought, leave a soul alive in the castle, except such as out of respect he might spare at his bidding.
  7. Fogg, after bidding good-bye to his whist partners, left the steamer, gave his servant several errands to do, urged it upon him to be at the station promptly at eight, and, with his regular step, which beat to the second, like an astronomical clock, directed his steps to the passport office.
  8. He welcomed everyone, introduced each of the High Council members, and explained the final trader bidding process.
  9. She recalled Rune riding in the distance from the Dokkalfar keep, leaving his men to do his bidding.
  10. Seeing his good intention, the travellers were unwilling to press him further, and once more bidding him farewell, they left him and pursued their journey, in the course of which they did not fail to discuss the story of Marcela and Chrysostom as well as the madness of Don Quixote.