English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "bod" veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend:'n Aanbod van 'n prys, veral op 'n veiling.'n Voorstel of 'n poging. om iets te bekom.'n Uitnodiging of 'n versoek om iets te doen.As 'n werkwoord het "bied" ook veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, insluitend: Om 'n prys vir iets aan te bied, veral op 'n veiling.Om 'n voorstel te maak of 'n poging om iets te bekom.Om iemand te beveel of te beveel om te doen iets.Om 'n afskeid of 'n groet uit te spreek.

Sentence Examples

  1. After two minutes Tarensen bid him stop and Evan relaxed, not knowing whether to feel ashamed or relieved.
  2. Jack had bid Mat ride ahead by a day and inform the inhabitants of his pending arrival, and he saw him too, accompanying the overweight retainer.
  3. Otherwise, he would not have bid me tell you the truth.
  4. In a turmoil I could hardly contain, I bid her a hasty farewell, got in my car and drove straight to Máguez to confide in my parents, the only people I felt I could trust.
  5. Anne bid him go to the kitchens whilst she penned a reply.
  6. The note was a brief one from Richard, he bid her to remain where she was until he sent for her.
  7. She bid them farewell and propelled me out of the produce department before I could say good-bye.
  8. One of his captains and a trusted steward took complete control of her royal apartments while Northumberland slipped away to make the first moves in his bid for the throne.
  9. I consider those areas where the lack of small-scale farming has reached such a crisis that in a bid to draw the locals back to the land the Cabildo are giving away large plots with access to water.
  10. Evan bid an awkward farewell to Cera as they entered the castle, thinking how their goodbye would have been different if demons had never attacked.