English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "word" is: om tot stand te kom, om tot iets te ontwikkel of geskik of gepas te wees vir iets. Dit kan ook beteken om te begin wees of om 'n verandering of transformasie te ondergaan. Byvoorbeeld, "Na jare se harde werk het sy uiteindelik 'n suksesvolle entrepreneur geword" of "Die ruspe sal 'n skoenlapper word".

Sentence Examples

  1. This vast space of the castle had become a battlefield, a battle where Realmers fought against a multitude of abhorrent monsters.
  2. She was studying to become a teacher with a double focus in English literature and music education.
  3. I gather up what will become my Bentonville coffee set and feel thrilled.
  4. Add in the drama of both women dating the same man, and Braxton might become the center of World War III.
  5. First thanks go to my parents, Jim and Pat, for always believing in me as a writer, as well as teaching me how to become the person I am today.
  6. Shortly before Pennsylvania had become a state, my ancestors developed the sheltered land where the Finnulia River emptied into Crilly Lake at the base of the Wharton Mountains.
  7. When he nodded and told a student worker to call him promptly with any issues, I realized Connor had become an admirable and responsible adult.
  8. With you at my side, my power shall become unimaginable.
  9. Arantay loped towards them, growling like the horrific beast he had become, blood dripped from his elongated fangs to stain the porcelain of his skin.
  10. You could nab a similar position at a magazine or become a newspaper travel editor, and lord knows I tried getting on at Southern Living and the Times-Picayune travel section for years.

TV Series Examples



l need you to become the man



And it has become an army



Will l become Lady Greyjoy,