English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "badhuis" is 'n gebou of fasiliteit wat ontwerp is vir gemeenskaplike of openbare bad. Dit is tipies toegerus met geriewe soos storte, baddens, stoomkamers, saunas en soms swembaddens, en kan gebruik word vir persoonlike higiëne, ontspanning of sosialisering. Badhuise word al vir eeue in verskeie kulture regoor die wêreld gebruik en kan verskillende doeleindes dien, soos openbare bad, godsdienstige of kulturele rituele, of gesondheids- en welstandaktiwiteite. In sommige gevalle kan die term "badhuis" ook verwys na 'n plek waar seksuele aktiwiteite plaasvind, veral in LGBTQ-gemeenskappe.


  1. bagnio

Sentence Examples

  1. She hid her activity, even so far as collecting the hairs, in her own bathhouse while Jipeba played with the boy.
  2. For this, they moved to the bathhouse, which had an open roof for plenty of sunlight.
  3. A kind woman gave her directions to the bathhouse.
  4. The bathhouse had done as much for her as the tankard of mead had done for him.
  5. Leaving the jaki in the ṃōn kweiḷọk, she roamed around in the rain until she found the thatch bathhouse.
  6. She was about to ask for coconuts and a raanke but decided to explore the bathhouse first.
  7. She poured the water into one of several giant-clam shells placed in a semicircle at the end of the bathhouse and returned to the well several times until all the shells had been filled.
  8. Matthaios and his slave brethren reached the bathhouse at the center of Nubia.
  9. She went to the well, filled the jāpe several times, and carried her water to the enclosed kapwōr shell bathhouse.
  10. She filled the kapwōr shell inside, placed the grated coconut into an inpel, and had just begun to scrub her face when she heard the stones outside the bathhouse crunch as someone softly approached.