English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "orkes" verskeie betekenisse, insluitend:'n Dun strook materiaal wat gebruik word om iets vas te bind of vas te maak.'n Groep mense wat saamgevoeg het vir 'n spesifieke doel, wat dikwels met musiek verband hou, soos 'n musiekorkes of 'n optogorkes.'n Reeks of groep van elektromagnetiese frekwensies of strook- of golflengte-spesifikasies in die golflengte- of golflengte-spesifikasies of strook. om die kop, arm of pols vir versiering of identifikasie.'n Groep mense, veral in 'n kriminele organisasie, wat saamwerk vir 'n gemeenskaplike doel.As 'n werkwoord beteken "band" om saam te kom of in 'n groep te verenig, dikwels vir 'n spesifieke doel of aktiwiteit.

Sentence Examples

  1. But for us current spectators, we left two couches facing the band room.
  2. One was a picture of dashing dark elves who were a famous boy band, according to the caption.
  3. Band equipment was crowded into a tight circle at the center of the room, and a couple guys were setting up ladders.
  4. Watching his band practice was just the deterrent I needed.
  5. Evan spotted another flying billboard where a guitar wielding Padrake stood amidst a rock band, with a banshee lead singer.
  6. As if on cue, Ash strolled in just as the band members began tuning their instruments.
  7. We ate pizza and hung out for awhile before the band regrouped for the second half of their practice session.
  8. Listening to the band was awesome they had great chemistry and sounded good together.
  9. We only had a few hours before the three of us were off to watch Ash and Kai at band practice.
  10. The aim was to divide again what Jack had reunited, to break down the band into smaller groups, none of which knew where the others resided, the only link between them being Jack who directed them, and Richard who instructed him.