English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "bagasie" is:Persoonlike besittings verpak in tasse of sakke vir reis; bagasie.Ongewenste of onnodige items wat 'n mens ronddra of mettertyd opgehoop het.Emosionele of sielkundige kwessies of ervarings uit 'n mens se verlede wat 'n mens se huidige gedrag of geestelike toestand beïnvloed, word dikwels gebruik in die frase "emosionele bagasie."

Sentence Examples

  1. Too much baggage there to foist on a guy I could really like.
  2. She needed the help desperately, hellion or not, baggage and all.
  3. Saddlebags under his eyes and a ploughed field for a forehead were no doubt baggage from his years on the force.
  4. Like an alluring seductress, she promises instant gratification, and even more satisfyingly, gratification without the cumbersome baggage of guilt attached.
  5. They sat on their baggage and spoke in soft tones.
  6. Too bad New Orleans never had such pull, I think, as I head down impeccable marble aisles toward the baggage claim.
  7. After passing through immigration, baggage claim, and customs, Wendy and I were picked up and driven to Kampala.
  8. I hired two mules, with a guide to show me the way, and carry my small baggage.
  9. To be part of a new world, without baggage of past associations, whether they be race or creed, made for changes their great-grandchildren may be unaware of, even today.
  10. Unlike regular airports, this one had fewer baggage claim carousels.